The Zoonotic B-List

Welcome to the Zoonotic B-List

The Undergrads of the Human Biology and Society Major at UCLA Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the Zoonotic B-list.  9 stories of pathogens you've never heard of and some things they can teach you.  In Spring of 2024, a group of UCLA undergraduate Human Biology and Society majors--HBS majors---set out to explore the B-list of diseases.  They created this amazing series stories about a B-list of zoonotic diseases, from Brucellosis to Virulent Newcastle Disease. Together,  they explored a series of diseases you've never heard of and asked: what can we learn from them?

These podcast episodes were created by members of the 2024 Spring Capstone course in the Human Biology and Society major at UCLA's Institute for Society and Genetics ( The faculty sponsor is Christopher Kelty. For questions or concerns email For more information about any of these diseases please consult the US Centers for Disease Control ( .